Buying real estate requires a long term perspective and up to the minute market knowledge.
Purchasing a first or second home or rental investment property or a vacant piece of land, is undoubtedly one of the largest single purchases you will ever make, and it involves a lot more than simply choosing a property that you like.
As a Realtor working on your behalf, from identifying and viewing properties to letting you know about different lenders & lending programs that may be are available to you, or helping you review Real Estate Condition and inspection reports, and doing a final walk thru to be certain the property is in the same condition as when you put it under contract.
Choosing the right property means having access to all the listings of every classification of available property in Wisconsin, and even to some properties that my colleagues have yet to enter into the MLS database, but which have been shared either at local Real Estate Brokers meetings or through professional relationships I have developed with other Wisconsin Agents and Brokers.
Understanding the current and historical values in a given marketplace is critical to making investment decisions and I will do my best to provide you with market statistics and guide you to get the best value for your money.
I will view every property you are considering with you; I will assist You in evaluating and comparing each property, and I will advise you as to all of the inspections that are available to you and inherently important in accomplishing your goals of getting the right property at the best possible price.
Understanding contractual real estate terms, the Wisconsin ‘Offer To Purchase’ and associated Amendments can be difficult, time consuming, and critical to your future satisfaction. I will offer you my knowledge and experience regarding each choice and consideration you will contractually decide upon during this negotiation and thru contract settlement.